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Paxos on Steroids and a Crash Course in TLA+

Rystsov recently posted an interesting article in which he describes a peculiar generalization of Single-Decree Paxos that could, in some situations, replace Multi-Paxos. I was skeptical: this looked really useful; why wasn’t everyone aware of it already?

I still don’t know the answer to that question, but I’ve since failed at constructing a counter-example, and find that the algorithm looks “correct” (more on what that means later).

That’s exciting! Today, embark with me on what will hopefully become a series of posts on what (at least here) will be called Compare-And-Swap Paxos (CAS-Paxos), and how to explore its properties through formal specification.

A reasonable first step is a tutorial-style formal description of the algorithm in TLA+, which among other things is also a model checker which allows you to specify the algorithm and explore concrete histories it permits.

This then, is the plan for today:

  1. Quick Review of Linearizability
  2. Quick review of Single-Decree Paxos
  3. (Colloquial) Description of CAS-Paxos
  4. Tutorial: Specifying CAS-Paxos in TLA+
  5. Tutorial: Discovering Interesting Histories
  6. Discussion: CAS-Paxos and its surprises

Review: Linearizability

We are talking about registers today (i.e. an abstract system that, no matter the implementation, exposes and operates on a single value), so for the purpose of making everything hands-on, imagine your system to be a distributed key-value store with only a single active key (perhaps CockroachDB or one using the algorithm described later), and that you have multiple clients running compare-and-swaps on that key.

Linearizability of that system (i.e. all the clients writing to that key) holds if no matter how things interleave, for each operation in any possible history, you can find an instant at which it (and only it) applied atomically, and that instant is between the moment in time at which the respective command was initiated (i.e. a request dispatched by a client) and acknowledged (i.e. a response received by the client).

For example, if the register is initially foo, and at

  • time=10: I dispatch CAS(bar, baz)
  • time=15: You dispatch CAS(foo, bar)
  • time=20: I receive OK from the system
  • time=30: You receive OK from the system

then that history is linearizable: my CAS succeeded, so your operation must have applied to the system before mine; otherwise the register wouldn’t have had the value bar I’d assumed I’d seen. And that is well possible because you initiated your CAS before the system told me mine had applied, and so we can arrange them atomically in a history for the system:

  • time=10: I dispatch CAS(bar, baz)
  • time=15: You dispatch CAS(foo, bar)
  • time=16: Server executes your CAS(foo, bar)
  • time=17: Server executes my CAS(bar, baz)
  • time=20: I receive OK from the system
  • time=30: You receive OK from the system

Kyle Kingsbury (aphyr) does a much better job describing this, so you should go there unless you’re already comfortable with the concept.

Review: Single-Decree Paxos

Single-Decree Paxos is a consensus algorithm that lets a number of so-called acceptors agree on a single value (out of many that may be offered to them) and preserve that value for eternity, unless a quorum of acceptors holding on to a copy of the value perish, never to be seen again.

To clients, the abstraction provided is a linearizable register that can be written exactly once and, once written, exposes the same value forever.

There are good resources for learning about Paxos here (slides with examples!) and here (words only), so we only review it briefly. You absolutely want to make sure that you understand simple Paxos well before you continue.

Paxos is organized around ballot (or proposal) numbers, and the goal is generally to get successful responses from a majority of the acceptors. Clients (“proposers”) which want to propose a (or learn the, if any) value pick a unique proposal number (in practice, one that they think might actually succeed) and try to take it first through a PREPARE phase and, if a majority of acceptors indicates success, an ACCEPT phase.

At the end of a successful PREPARE phase, the proposer has learned from a majority of the acceptors

  • that they promise to not service any smaller ballots than the proposer’s, and
  • whether there is already a value (not necessarily committed) which must be picked up or whether the proposer gets to choose one.

If any values are returned from PREPARE, the proposer must use the value corresponding to the highest ballot (and there are never two values for any ballot).

The proposer can then proceed to the ACCEPT phase, in which it tries to store the chosen value on all acceptors (but needs only a quorum); an acceptor will refuse values for a ballot that it has promised not to service any more.

Unsuccessful proposals are usually caused by network issues, the proposer crashing half-way through, or (most interestingly) multiple proposals overlapping concurrently. But, no matter the interleaving, after the first successful ACCEPT phase, the value is set in stone (barring failure of a majority of acceptors) and all successful proposals will result in the same value - a register backed by Single Decree Paxos is linearizable.

Verbal Description of CAS-Paxos

CAS-Paxos is derived from Single Decree Paxos with just one small but impactful change: After the PREPARE phase, the proposer is allowed to pick a new value (perhaps taking into account the value, if any, learned from the PREPARE phase).

For the purposes of this discussion, we’ll settle on that all proposers want to run compare-and-swaps: if the value they learn is the one they expect, they go ahead and try to get a new value accepted. To simply read the value, you run an instance of Single-Decree Paxos instead.

It’s not clear at this point of the posting, but the resulting algorithm actually seems to make basic sense (as in, it provides guarantees which are useful), though we’ll discover a few caveats. And, though we won’t even get close to proving it today (and I haven’t proved it), the semantics of the register, once suitably defined, should be linearizable!

For now, the bird-eye view: whereas before we were stuck with a write-once register, now we seem to have something on our hands that can change value as often as we’d like, and perhaps could serve as the building block of a key-value store.

Let’s discuss the concrete behavior of the algorithm later and do some TLA+ first.

Specifying CAS-Paxos in TLA+

Don’t care about writing the spec? Jump straight into the analysis.

Don’t try to copy-paste from these examples; they’ve been formatted to fit the screen. Instead, to follow along, head on over to the [caspaxos-tla repo][caspaxos-tla]; the initial commits on the master branch track this post.

A TLA specification starts with a list of module imports. We’ll deal with integers and will want to talk about the cardinality of sets, so we import

EXTENDS Integers, FiniteSets

From what I can tell, in practice you use whichever operators you find on the internet and when it fails, realize that there is something you needed to import, which you then add.

Constants, Basic Definitions, and Assertions

When you specify a model, you leave certain parts configurable so that you can invoke the model checker with various settings.

For CAS-Paxos, we have a set of possible values the register can take, a set of oblique acceptors for which we really only care about how many they are, and a mutator which maps a ballot number and a value to a new value.

CONSTANT Values, Acceptors, Mutator(_, _)

Throughout this whole exercise, keep in mind that the state space which needs to be explored by the model checker exponentially spirals out of control. For example, you certainly can’t hope to check all possible histories when the register can hold 100 different values (in fact, 10 is probably out of reach already); I’m using 4 throughout this example simply because that finishes in 15 seconds on my machine. Note also that we don’t restrict the ballot numbers just yet; that’s achieved later, by overriding the definition of the natural numbers while checking the model.

Mutator is a good approximation of how compare-and-swap’ping proposers would choose the new values (Single-Decree Paxos corresponds to Mutator(ballot, foundValue) = foundValue), abstracting away nondeterminism by using the ballot number to decide on the new value. You could let the model checker generate “real” CAS operations as well, but let’s agree that this is interesting enough, and that it’s easy enough to extend this later.

Now, we define the set of all quorums. The crucial property that we need is that any two quorums intersect nontrivially, and the ASSUME command lets the model checker verify that it holds in the concrete instances we run it for.

Since we’re lazy, we use the set of all majorities of acceptors as the set of quorums. This is what you usually see in practice because it maximizes the number of acceptors you can afford to lose.

Quorums == {
  S \in SUBSET(Acceptors) :
    Cardinality(S) > Cardinality(Acceptors \ S) }

ASSUME QuorumAssumption == /\ \A Q \in Quorums : Q \subseteq Acceptors
                           /\ \A Q1, Q2 \in Quorums : Q1 \cap Q2 # {}

What this does is express that

  • Quorums is the set of those sets of acceptors for which more acceptors are in the set than not. That’s just a fancy way of collecting all subsets containing more than half of everyone.
  • QuorumAssumption has to be true or the model checker aborts. It is satisfied if:
    • all the quorums we declared actually consist of acceptors (something that you probably implicitly assumed anyway), and
    • any two sets of quorums have nonempty intersection.

On to ballot numbers, for which we define

Ballot == Nat

This just means that we define a set Ballots which equals the natural numbers 0, 1, …. As mentioned earlier, when we run the model, we’re going to override Nat by some finite subset, typically restricting it to 1, 2, 3 - that’s tiny, but enough to find an interesting history without waiting.


Now we define the set of all possible messages. In this specification, proposers are implicit. Messages originating from them are created “out of thin air” and not addressed to a specific acceptor. In practice they would be, though note that each acceptor would receive the same “message body”, and omitting the explicit originator and recipient reduces the state space. Note also that messages are not explicitly rejected but simply not reacted to. In particular, the implicit proposer has no notion of which ballot to try next. The spec lets them try arbitrary ballots instead. Bad for the state space, but good for generality.

A message is either a prepare request for a ballot, a prepare response, an accept request for a ballot with a new value, or an accept response.

Message ==      [type : {"prepare-req"}, bal : Ballot]
           \cup [
                 type : {"prepare-rsp"}, acc : Acceptors,
                 \* ballot for which promise is given
                 promised : Ballot,
                 \* ballot at which val was accepted
                 accepted : Ballot,
                 val : Values
           \cup [type : {"accept-req"}, bal : Ballot, newVal : Values]
           \cup [type : {"accept-rsp"}, acc : Acceptors,
                 accepted : Ballot ]

Above, \cup is the union of two sets, {"prepare-req"} is a set containing as its only element the string prepare-req, and [ x : X, y : Y ] is the set of all records (TLAs version of associative arrays) with only keys x and y set and their values elements of X, Y, respectively.

State of the Model

Since we are modelling only the acceptors and messages, the state of the mode is only the set of messages in existence, and whatever local state each acceptor stores:

VARIABLE prepared,

The tuple <<prepared[a], accepted[a], value[a]>> will be the state that would be kept on acceptor a in a real-world implementation of the spec.

The above says awefully little about what these variables are actually like in practice, so we add a formula which we later instruct the model checker to verify in each state, namely that prepared and accepted map acceptors to ballot numbers, value maps acceptors to values, and that any message sent is an element of the above set of “legal” messages.

TypeOK == /\ prepared \in [ Acceptors -> Ballot ]
          /\ accepted \in [ Acceptors -> Ballot ]
          /\ value \in    [ Acceptors -> Values ]
          /\ msgs \subseteq Message

How does one “send” a message, then? Like this:

Send(m) == msgs' = msgs \cup {m}

TLA models the “next state” with primed variables, so to satisfy the formula Send(m), the next state’s incarnation of msgs must contain m.

We won’t ever remove messages from msgs. By modelling msgs as a set that never shrinks, we model that messages may be received multiple times, and that they can freely reorder. Desirable properties to model because even though TCP/IP connections don’t allow reordering, sometimes we need to reconnect and no such property holds across connections brain chip aktie!

Now, finally, things get interesting and we get to specify the initial state of the model:

Init == /\ prepared = [ a \in Acceptors |-> 0 ]
        /\ accepted = [ a \in Acceptors |-> 0 ]
        /\ value    = [ a \in Acceptors |-> InitialValue ]
        /\ msgs = {}

Ok, maybe not too interesting. Note however that the initial state has an initial committed value, ie the register doesn’t start “empty”. This is an inconsequential simplification.

Stub Actions

Before we write down the actions that drive the algorithm (i.e. sending and reacting to messages), we want to finish up the scaffolding. We define mock actions (actions are just formulas which contain primed variables, meaning that to satisfy them you must mutate the state):

PrepareReq(b) == FALSE
PrepareRsp(a) == FALSE
AcceptReq(b, v) == FALSE
AcceptRsp(a) == FALSE

We’ll return to those later.

The Main Formula

Now, finally, we reach the centerpiece of the whole operation: The Next formula, traditionally named such because it is this formula that we’ll instruct the model checker to satisfy by deriving new reachable states.

Next == \/ \E b \in Ballot : \/ PrepareReq(b)
                             \/ \E v \in Values : AcceptReq(b, v)
        \/ \E a \in Acceptors : PrepareRsp(a) \/ AcceptRsp(a)

Read: Satisfy Next by either satisfying PrepareReq for some ballot, or AcceptReq for some ballot and value, or by finding an acceptor for which PrepareRsp or AcceptRsp can be satisfied.

Next is just a name without formal meaning, but Spec is the default entry point for the TLA+ model checker. The below formula is a temporal formula and means that the valid behaviors of the specification are those which initially satisfy Init, and from each step to the following the formula Next is satisfied, or all the variables stay the same (“stuttering step”).

Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_<<prepared, accepted, value, msgs>>

Now hopefully it is at least somewhat clear how the model checker works: it constructs all states that satisfy Init (there could be many, though here there’s just one), and until it runs out of new states explores all state transitions that satisfy Next. Phew! You can imagine how quickly the state space blows up as you increase the size of the parameters, and hopefully it’s also clear that any infinite set is likely going to lead to an infinite state space!

Running the Model Checker

As a last deed in this section, we give the model checker something to actually check (as of now, it would construct all behaviors, but not check anything about them). Since we’re not ready to check anything meaningful, we just assert TypeOK; we’ll add something else later.

DesiredProperties == TypeOK

There’s no real point, but now you can try out the model. If you clone the repo and check out the right commit, you’ll find a prepared model along with the TLA file we’ve assembled so far.

Open the model using the TLA toolbox (File -> Open Spec -> Add New Spec), and note how we declared Acceptors as a set of three “model values”; a model value is a value that’s completely opaque to the model checker, and not equal to any other value. We also have Values = {0, 1, 2, 3}, and Mutator(b, v) is set to `(1

  • b*v) % 4` (an arbitrary choice).

Furthermore, there is a “Definition Override” that sets Nat to 0..3 and we have added DesiredProperties under Invariants so that it will be checked for every state reachable in this model.

Now, click “Run”… oops, immediately errors out: “Deadlock reached”. This happens because we stubbed out the actions and so from the initial state, there is no way to satisfy the formula. That happening usually amounts to an error, and the model checker checks for it by default. Time to add the actual algorithm!

Completing the Specification

We return to the currently stubbed-out actions PrepareReq, PrepareRsp, AcceptReq, and AcceptRsp, replacing them one by one. The result will be this commit.

First up is PrepareReq, which is the message sent by a proposer when it gets started on a new proposal (ballot).

BallotActive(b) == \E m \in msgs :
                        /\ m.type = "prepare-req"
                        /\ m.bal = b
PrepareReq(b) ==
    /\ ~ BallotActive(b)
    /\ Send([
                type |-> "prepare-req",
                bal  |-> b
    /\ UNCHANGED(<<prepared, accepted, value>>)

A ballot is started by sending a prepare request (with the hope that responses will be received from a quorum). We could allow multiple prepare requests for a single ballot, but since they are all identical and we already model multiple-receipt for all messages, this adds only state space complexity. So a ballot will only be prepared once in this model.

More precisely, a successor (primed) state satisfies PrepareReq(b) if and only if

  • it’s predecessor (i.e. the unprimed variables) contain no prepare request for ballot b (~ is negation), and
  • the primed state contains a message of type prepare-req and ballot b, and
  • everything else is identical.

The last condition may surprise you, but consider that if we omitted it, you could create lots of nonsensical successor states by freely mutating prepared, accepted, and value. Not what we would want!

Now that we’re warmed up, let’s get a bit more involved and hash out PrepareRsp(a):

PrepareRsp(a) ==
    /\ \E m \in msgs :
        /\ m.type = "prepare-req"
        /\ m.bal > prepared[a]
        /\ prepared' = [prepared EXCEPT ![a] = m.bal]
        /\ Send([
                    acc      |-> a,
                    type     |-> "prepare-rsp",
                    promised |-> m.bal,
                    accepted |-> accepted[a],
                    val      |-> value[a]
    /\ UNCHANGED <<accepted, value>>

Read: A prepare response can be sent if by an acceptor if a) a response was demanded via a prepare request (there exists a corresponding prepare request message) and b) the acceptor has not already prepared that or any larger ballot. On success, the acceptor remembers that it has prepared the new ballot, and sends a response.

The odd syntax [prepared EXCEPT ![a] = m.bal] means

same as prepared, with the exception that when evaluated at a, return m.bal

and nobody likes it, including its author Leslie Lamport.

Phew! Getting the hang of it yet? I hope so, because now it’s time for the big leagues:

AcceptReq(b, v) ==
    /\ ~ \E m \in msgs : m.type = "accept-req" /\ m.bal = b
    /\ \E Q \in Quorums :
        LET M == {m \in msgs : /\ m.type = "prepare-rsp"
                               /\ m.promised = b
                               /\ m.acc \in Q}
        IN /\ \A a \in Q : \E m \in M : m.acc = a
           /\ \E m \in M :
                /\ m.val = v
                /\ \A mm \in M : mm.accepted \leq m.accepted
    /\ LET newVal == Mutator(b, v) \* crucial difference from Paxos
       IN Send([
                type   |-> "accept-req",
                bal    |-> b,
                newVal |-> newVal
    /\ UNCHANGED(<<accepted, value, prepared>>)

Read: An accept request can only be sent (i.e. fabricated from thin air)

  1. once;
  2. if prepare responses for the ballot have been received from a quorum, and
  3. with a new value based on the most recently accepted value from the prepare responses.

It’s only here that we really deviate from Single-Decree Paxos by using Mutator!

Scared of AcceptRsp? Don’t worry, that one is straightforward again.

AcceptRsp(a) ==
    /\ \E m \in msgs :
        /\ m.type = "accept-req"
        /\ m.bal \geq prepared[a]
        /\ prepared' = [prepared EXCEPT ![a] = m.bal]
        /\ accepted' = [accepted EXCEPT ![a] = m.bal]
        /\ value'    = [value    EXCEPT ![a] = m.newVal]
        /\ Send([
                    acc      |-> a,
                    type     |-> "accept-rsp",
                    accepted |-> m.bal

Read: An acceptor can reply to an accept request only if it hasn’t yet prepared a higher ballot. Before replying, it makes sure it marks the ballot as prepared (as the particular acceptor may not have received the associated prepare request earlier), and updates its accepted ballot and the new value.

That’s it already! Try running the model again - it should take some time and your laptop may begin radiating energy in the form of heat. On mine the state space exploration takes around 15s and reports a total of 791370 states.

Of course, we’re still only running the model, not really checking it. In the next section, we’ll add something that fails on some interesting histories.

Discovering Interesting Histories

Now we have our system specified, a model and the associated sizable state space to explore - but we don’t actually know what we’re looking for. Hence, let’s return to the algorithm at hand. The result of this section will be [this commit][caspaxos-check].

Without formalizing it too much, we should care in one way or another whether the “mutations line up”. That is, the values that the register stores over its (in the model, very short) lifetime should be those that Mutator creates from their predecessors. Or, in the language of compare-and-swap, we shouldn’t have one value stored in the register but then be able to run a compare-and-swap that doesn’t respect this existing value.

Let’s try to put this in a naive formula we can then have the model checker verify for all states. Remember that “committed” below means that the value at the corresponding ballot has been accepted by a majority of acceptors.

For any committed value v’ at ballot b’ > 0 and the previously committed value v at ballot b < b’, it holds that v’ = Mutator(b’, v).

Just to be clear, that assumption is not correct and perhaps you want to take a minute with pen and paper and figure out why not. Or, in the spirit of this section, let the model checker tell you why it’s wrong. But first we have to turn those words into math!

Taking the top-bottom approach, we add to our existing formula DesiredProperties two to-be-defined assertions:

DesiredProperties == /\ TypeOK
                     /\ OnlyOneValuePerBallot
                     /\ MutationsLineUp

OnlyOneValuePerBallot is easy to define; we just want to check that we never accept conflicting values for a proposal. It’s fairly clear that that can’t happen when you look at the algorithm, but it’s still good to have it checked:

OnlyOneValuePerBallot == \A b \in Ballot :
                            Cardinality(ValuesAt(b)) \leq 1

where ValuesAt(b) are all the values for which we’ve seen accept responses for ballot b (i.e. the value was accepted by the acceptor sending the message):

ValuesAt(b) == IF b = 0 THEN {InitialValue}
               ELSE { v \in Values :
                        \E m \in msgs :
                            /\ m.type     = "accept-rsp"
                            /\ m.accepted = b
                            /\ \E mm \in msgs :
                                /\ mm.type   = "accept-req"
                                /\ mm.bal    = b
                                /\ mm.newVal = v

Note how we had to comb through the accept requests to find the value; it’s not sent out with the accept response since the recipient already knows it.

Now for the prize:

MutationsLineUp ==
    \A b \in CommittedBallots \ {0} :
        LET newVal == UnwrapSingleton(ValuesAt(b))
            prevCommitBallot == BallotCommittedBefore(b)
            oldVal == UnwrapSingleton(ValuesAt(prevCommitBallot))
        IN  newVal = Mutator(b, oldVal)

where BallotCommittedBefore(b) is the largest ballot less than b for which a value was committed (= accepted by a quorum, not necessarily b-1!), and UnwrapSingleton turns a single-element set into its only element:

UnwrapSingleton(s) == CHOOSE v \in s : TRUE
AcceptedByQuorum(b) == \E Q \in Quorums: AcceptedBy(b) \cap Q = Q
CommittedBallots == {b \in Ballot : AcceptedByQuorum(b)} \cup {0}
BallotCommittedBefore(b) == CHOOSE c \in CommittedBallots :
                                /\ c < b
                                /\ \A cc \in CommittedBallots :
                                    cc \geq b \/ cc \leq c

Running the Model

As before, give the model a spin - note that since we extended DesiredProperties, the model checker is now checking more than before.

And, lo and behold, after working for a short while, execution stops and we see a complaint:

Invariant DesiredProperties is violated.

In such a situation you can get lucky and that message will be accompanied by a “stack trace” that allows you to find out which part of the formula made it fail. Alas, not this one, but we get the complete history of state transitions and a trace exploration tool. From it we can transcribe (your actual history may vary):

  • ballot one and two: prepare request sent
  • ballot one and two, acceptor 1: prepare response sent (existing value 0)
  • ballot one, acceptor 2: prepare response sent (existing value 0)
  • ballot one: accept request sent for new value 1 = Mutator(one, 0)
  • ballot one: acceptor 2: accept value 1
  • ballot two: acceptor 2: prepare response sent (existing value 1)
  • ballot two: accept request sent for new value 3 = Mutator(two, 1)
  • ballot two: acceptors 1 and 2: accept value 3
  • DesiredProperties is violated because 3 is committed, but not equal to 0 = Mutator(zero, 0).

We’ll discuss this and more in the next section.

Discussion of CAS-Paxos

In the last section, we’ve discovered a history which violated our (naive) assumption that each committed value is born out of a mutation of a previous committed value: We run two ballots concurrently, and it just so happens that without the first ballot ever committing, the second one gets to read its value, base its mutation on it, and commit (by having two out of three acceptors accept the ballot).

Does this mean we’ve found an anomaly, or, finally getting more precise, does this mean we’ve found a non-linearizable history? Let’s write this history up from the perspective of linearizability:

  • time=10: the register is initially foo (which means that if you run an instance of Single Decree Paxos, you learn the value foo)
  • time=10: I dispatch CAS(bar, baz)
  • time=11: You dispatch CAS(foo, bar)
  • time=20: I hear back that my CAS went through OK.
  • You never hear back.

Note that it doesn’t matter which of us dispatches their CAS first. What matters is that though you never learn whether your CAS applied, it could have applied at any point in time with time >= 11! So it’s easy to invent legal points in time at which it applied so that things make sense:

  • time=10: I dispatch CAS(bar, baz)
  • time=11: You dispatch CAS(foo, bar)
  • time=12: Your CAS(foo, bar) commits
  • time=13: My CAS(bar, baz) commits
  • time=20: I hear back that my CAS went through OK.

So this history is linearizable. Note however that that doesn’t prove that the system is! All we’ve managed to show is that it’s not broken for this particular example.

Looking back under the hood of how CAS-Paxos actually works, something noteworthy did happen that doesn’t reflect through the lens of linearizablity: When “my” PREPARE phase sends its first message, you had already gone ahead and got your new value bar accepted on one of the acceptors:

Values = [bar @ 1, foo @ 0, foo @ 0]     # value @ ballot

When you look at the system in that state from the outside, you might be tempted to say that the register stores the value foo (after all, that’s the value you can find on a majority). But that’s not correct! If you want to read the value, you must run a full phase of Single Decree Paxos. And that would either:

  • talk to a majority that has bar, and have bar committed at the end:

    Values = [bar @ 2, bar @ 2, foo @ 0 or bar @ 2]

  • talk to a majority that does not have bar, and commit a “newer” copy of foo at the end:

    Values = [bar @ 1 or foo @ 2, foo @ 2, foo @ 2]

That is, until you actually go and read the register, it doesn’t necessarily “have” a value - if in the examples below we didn’t run ACCEPT, you could contact one majority first, and then the other, and you would get different values though nobody else is using the system - definitely not linearizable!

Reading the value thus requires participating in deciding it. But it should be possible to skip the ACCEPT phase if you receive the same ballot from all possible acceptors (three in the above example).

Something similar, though less transparently, happened when my PREPARE phase picked up your value which you had managed to get accepted at only one of the nodes: It “implicitly” committed it when it committed its own update. And, actually, since your partial value might have in turn been based on a previous not-explicitly-committed value as well, that was also implicitly committed, and so on. In a different possible outcome, I wouldn’t have found your value, and would have implicitly made sure that it would never be visible, as if you had never tried to write it. That, too, is legal.

This also gives an intuitive understanding of why CAS-Paxos should be linearizable: the state of the system after a successful CAS based on an uncommitted value is equivalent to one in which you “make up” accept messages to accept that value (at its home ballot) between the main operation’s PREPARE and ACCEPT phases. Then you only have to consider the case where every value you see is committed, and that argument should be very similar to that that assures that a Single Decree Paxos register never “loses” a once-committed value.

Values = [bar @ 1, foo @ 0, foo @ 0]
Values = [bar @ 1, bar @ 1, bar @ 1] # implicit
Values = [baz @ 2, baz @ 2, foo @ 0]

Runaway Commit

The fact that one proposal might pick up a previous incomplete proposal has practical implications on the proposer running the incomplete proposal. From its point of view, when it continues the ACCEPT phase, it will be told by other acceptors that a conflicting proposal has superseded its own. But, it has no way of finding out whether its value did make it into the system or whether it was wiped out by the concurrent proposal. Paxos (CAS or Single Decree) doesn’t fare too well when there is a lot of concurrent proposing going on anyway, so this may not be much of an issue (and if it were, some extra state could be kept around by the acceptors to mitigate).

Properly Failing a CAS

So far, we have neglected the case in which a compare-and-swap operation fails, and in particular that in which it fails because the “previous value” is not the required one. Naively, you would perhaps consider the following behavior:

  • run a PREPARE phase and collect responses from a majority
  • if the value with the highest ballot does not match what we expect, tell the client the CAS failed: “I tried, but the register does not hold the value you thought it did”.

But that’s incorrect! Consider again the case of a partially committed value:

Values = [`bar` @ 1, `foo` @ 0, `foo` @ 0]

A PREPARE phase for CAS(foo, boo) might pick up bar as the most recent value, the client is told that the register doesn’t hold the value foo. But next, the client reads the register, winds up talking to the majority that doesn’t have bar, and learns that the value is indeed foo - we’ve got ourselves into a nonlinearizable history.

Instead, a CAS which finds an incompatible value after PREPARE must run an ACCEPT phase with that incompatible value, because only when that succeeds is it allowed to tell the client with authority that the register did not hold the correct base value. Or, it could return a more generic error to the client which doesn’t make any statement about the value of the register, but usually you want a failed CAS to report the actual value of the register, and that definitely needs the ACCEPT phase.


We’ve introduced the CAS-Paxos algorithm, specified it in TLA+ and discussed some interesting histories, phenomena, and implications on practical implementations. Intuitively, we have seen that there is reason to believe that CAS-Paxos provides a distributed linearizable register with compare-and-swap semantics, which is a powerful primitive for building distributed systems.

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