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Cockroach at FOSDEM 2015

At this year’s edition of FOSDEM, I gave a presentation on Cockroach in the Go Devroom.

Cockroach aims to provide a transactional, scalable, and available datastore for everyone - basically a database that feels as solid as a traditional SQL server, but scales out and replicates data effortlessly (which, of course, is not true with traditional RDBMS) while avoiding the pitfalls that traditionally come with NoSQL datastores.

In the talk, I put a focus on providing technical details about our implementation of fast, lock-free transactions to give the audience an intuitive understanding of what’s happening behind the scenes.

You can find out for yourself how well that worked by giving the video below a try, and by checking out Cockroach if you’re curious to learn more.

Thanks to everyone who worked towards making FOSDEM and the Go Devroom such a pleasant experience.